"Like Water"
Verse I
I've stood like a rock before
but even mountains wear away with time
The earth beneath me gave way
And I was loosened from my station by a landslide
And when I finally came to rest
I tried to stand just like I had once more, but
found the ground unstable,
unfamiliar and unforgiving, where I'd never stood before
So I'd rather flow like water
from sky to land to sea and back again
and move like we all aughta
steadily but softly as we can
Verse II
So if you're braggin' that you're standin' proud and tall
well, I suggest that you best heed the mise men say
"The bigger they are the harder that they fall,
and every one of us is bound to someday"
And if you're claimin' that you're aimin' arrow straight
I reccomend my friend you think a little more
The straightest arrow can bend and warp and break
and you can aim for the sky, but still hit the floor
Chorus - Interlude
Verse III
I've stood like a rock before,
but even mountains wear away with time
The earth beneath me gave way
crumbled my foundations in the blink of an eye
Chorus x 2 out